If your organization has found promising startups to work with, the key question you're probably asking yourself is "how can I optimally partner with them?"

Become a Customer

When it comes to partnering with a Blitzscaling startup, the key is to tap into processes that the startup already knows how to work with. A great way to partner with a startup is to become a customer, preferably one of its lighthouse customers who can provide testimonials that will to help shape that product's success in the market. Doing that probably comes naturally to you. If you have startup friendly procurement processes, and you're able to make the startup a customer, that's a great way to partner with that startup.

Act as a Distribution Channel

Another way to partner with a startup is to act as a distribution channel. As you may recall, distribution is one of the key growth factors involved in Blitzscaling. And as an established company, you probably have a much larger sales organization with much deeper relationships with the key accounts those startups want to reach.

Partnering with startups as a distributor, helping them sell into your existing markets, is another great way to partner with the startup. Other ways to partner with the startup include assistance with non recurring engineering or product development.

If there are new initiatives that you've wanted to develop inside your company, but it's taking too long, that's a great opportunity to find a startup that is working in a similar space.  By paying them non-recurring engineering funds in order to alter their product roadmap to better suit your needs you can accelerate the pace of innovation in your organization and the startup's.  Startups are accustomed to working this way

By partnering with startups using mechanisms that they're used to using you can help them grow, and as their partner accelerates your own progress.

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