Supercharge your Blitzscaling with AI
What is Blitzscaling?

What separates the startups that get disrupted and disappear from the ones who grow to become global giants? Contrary to the popular narrative, it’s not their superhuman founders or savvy venture capitalists. Rather, it’s that they have learned how to blitzscale.
Blitzscaling is a specific set of practices for igniting and managing dizzying growth; an accelerated path to the stage in a startup’s life-cycle where the most value is created.
It prioritizes speed over efficiency in an environment of uncertainty, and allows a company to go from “startup” to “scaleup” at a furious pace that captures the market.
AI Creates Winner-Take-Most Opportunities. The winner-take-most dynamic is already apparent in foundational models. The winners in other areas will be crowned in the next 36-48 months. Learn the techniques of Blitzscaling to improve your odds of being one of them.
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Do you believe the principles of blitzscaling apply to AI companies?
"The short answer is yes....The truth of the matter is that in a globally internet-mobile-connected world, speed-to-scale is who wins."
Reid Hoffman
Board Member, Microsoft | Former board member, OpenAI |
Co-Founder, Inflection.ai | General Partner, Greylock Partners